Original : https://www.freertos.org/RTOS.html
Kernel > About FreeRTOS Kernel
The FreeRTOS™ Kernel
마켓 리딩, 사실상 표준, 크로스 플랫폼 RTOS 커널
15년 넘게 세계 대표 칩 회사 간의 파트너쉽 속에서 개발된 FreeRTOS 는 마이크로 컨트롤로 및 작은 마이크로프로세서용 마켓 리딩하는 리얼타임 OS(RTOS)이다. MIT 오픈 소스 라이선스 하에서 자유롭게 배포된 FreeRTOS는 커널을 포함해 전방위적인 산업에 걸처 다양한 라이브러리가 만들어지고 확대 적용되고 있다. 하루 평균 500회 다운로드 되고 있는 FreeRTOS는 안정성, 접근성 및 사용 편의성을 기준으로 구성되었습니다.
알고 있나요?
FreeRTOS 는 하루 평균 500회의 다운로드를 기록하고 있음 (2018년 기준). FreeRTOS 는 2011동안모든 EETimes Embeded Market Suvey 내 교육 클래스 중 최고의 자리에 올랐읍니다. FreeRTOS 는 타 상업용 RTOS에 비해 낮은 프로젝트 위험도 및 소유에 대한 전체 비용을 낮추는데 도움을 드립니다.그 이유는 다음과 같습니다.:
- 전체적인 지원 및 문서화가 되어 있습니다.
- 대부분은 우리와의 연락없이도 시장에 제품을 출시해도 됩니다. 다만, 완벽한 마음의 평화가 필요하시다면, 언제든지 완전 면책형 상업라이선스(직접적 지원을 포함)으로 전환할 수 있는 변경도 가능합니다.
일부 FreeRTOS ports never completely disable interrupts. For strict quality control purposes, and to remove all IP ownership ambiguity, official FreeRTOS code is separated from community contributions. FreeRTOS has a tick-less mode to directly support low power applications. FreeRTOS is designed to be simple and easy to use: Only 3 source files that are common to all RTOS ports, and one microcontroller specific source file are required, and its API is designed to be simple and intuitive. The RL78 port can create 13 tasks, 2 queues and 4 software timers in under 4K bytes of RAM!
Why choose FreeRTOS?
“It’s probably safe to say at this point that FreeRTOS goes through more ‘peer-review’ than any other RTOS available on the planet. I have used it in several projects – one of which was a multiprocessor environment that used more than 64 processors and needed to run for months reliably. The RTOS core performed well. Take FreeRTOS for a spin.” – John Westmoreland
FreeRTOS provides the best of all worlds: FreeRTOS is truly free and supported, even when used in commercial applications. The FreeRTOS open source MIT license does not require you to expose your proprietary IP. You can take a product to market using FreeRTOS without even talking to us, let alone paying any fees, and thousands of people do just that. If, at any time, you would like to receive additional backup, or if your legal team require additional written guarantees or indemnification, then there is a simple low cost commercial upgrade path. Your peace of mind comes with the knowledge that you can opt to take the commercial route at any time you choose.
Here are some reasons why FreeRTOS is a good choice for your next application – FreeRTOS…
- Provides a single and independent solution for many different architectures and development tools.
- Is known to be reliable. Confidence is assured by the activities undertaken by the SafeRTOS sister project.
- Is feature rich and still undergoing continuous active development.
- Has a minimal ROM, RAM and processing overhead. Typically an RTOS kernel binary image will be in the region of 6K to 12K bytes.
- Is very simple – the core of the RTOS kernel is contained in only 3 C files. The majority of the many files included in the .zip file download relate only to the numerous demonstration applications.
- Is truly free for use in commercial applications (see license conditions for details).
- Has commercial licensing, professional support and porting services available in the form of OPENRTOS from our partner WITTENSTEIN high integrity systems.
- Has a migration path to SafeRTOS, which includes certifications for the medical, automotive and industrial sectors.
- Is well established with a large and ever growing user base.
- Contains a pre-configured example for each port. No need to figure out how to setup a project – just download and compile!
- Has an excellent, monitored, and active free support forum.
- Has the assurance that commercial support is available should it be required.
- Provides ample documentation.
- Is very scalable, simple and easy to use.
- FreeRTOS offers a smaller and easier real time processing alternative for applications where eCOS, embedded Linux (or Real Time Linux) and even uCLinux won’t fit, are not appropriate, or are not available.
2020. 3. 24. 오후 1:22